Although I don't have much hair and haven't for the past year n some change, one of my passions is doing hair, especially natural hair!
With my recent decision to grow my hair back, I have been doing tons of research on natural hair because its been a min since I've really been in the game. There are so many people who I have made my natural hair role models in the past few weeks, its not even funny! I am so obsessed with natural hair right now n Im loving it!!!
I've had my hair natural for most of my life and because of that I have had quite a bit of experience doing natural hair. I've done my sisters and mom's hair since I was about 16, my own, and a few friends. I've done anything from cuts, twist-outs, Big Chops, Bantu-knot-outs, and two strand twists.
I have recently found myself doing quite a bit of natural hair consulting. I am constantly researching tips, products, styles, tools, and treatments for natural hair; and when I do the research I love to spread the knowledge as a way of promoting healthy hair!
Below I have some pictures of natural hairstyles I have done on some of my fav people...
Check em out...
A couple of brown beauties not too long after I did their BC's (big chop: cutting the permed hair out so they can go natural)
my girl britt n I rocking our matching cuts :))
My loves Ikepo and Angie, a few weeks after I did Ikepo's BC
My fav client, my sissy brittany. I didn't do her initial cut, but I've done almost every trim since.
Britt again!
Her hair looks great here! Im proud of her, bc she is usually the laziest thing when it comes to taking care of her hair.
Brittany is actually doing the hair growth challenge with me so I will keep you guys posted with her progress as well...she has abt an inch more hair than me so lets see how long that lasts! Im trynna beat her! It should be fun to see the difference in our hair textures and growth!
We will keep you posted!!!
The next few pictures are of my close friend Susan. In addition to snipping those few stray relaxed strands in the pic above, I did a twist-out on her hair.
I've been trying to get my hands in someone's natural hair so that I can get back into the swing of things with this natural hair thing, and Sooze def came through for me. I also needed to test out some new products that bought earlier that day.
I used Carol's Daughter Hair Milk, Palmers Organic Olive Oil, and pure Shea Butter (all from the hair store in New Brunswick on George St.)
Sooze sent me some pictures of the results and I was so excited to see that it came out well!!!
This is a pic of the twist-out when she first took them out...
This is a pic of the twist-out after she unraveled them again.
Now I can not wait until my hair gets long enough to do a decent twist-out.
The combo of the 3 seemed to be great because her hair looks really moisturized and the curls are so defined that it may last a week!
Next we have a run through of a big-chop I did on my friend Sharla, the other day. This is the same beautiful lady who I did a post on a few weeks ago...Check it out...
This is Sharla's relaxed hair right after she took out her Senegalese twists...
I separated the hair to check out her curl pattern, to get an idea of what her hair would look like when all of the relaxed hair was gone. I was pleased with what I found down there. I knew she would love the cut!
I do all my big-chops with scissors, besides the fact that I don't know how to use clippers, I find that I have way more control and get a more natural look and shape with the scissors.
It was a process but she was quite pleased with the finishing look!!!
A few months ago, my mom asked me to cut her hair, she didn't want to go as low as Britt and I but she wanted more of a manageable length. So I cut it pretty low in the back and on the sides and kept it a lil longer in the front...the pictures below are of a twist-out I did after I cut it...
Looking at these makes me kind of proud in how many beauties I have helped on their natural hair journies. When I do their hair i don't just style and consult; I also encourage them, and give them hope for their natural hair journey that often seems pretty scary to them while they are sitting down in the chair and as I chop all of their hair off. But each of these beauties has blossomed into some quite fabulous natural hair divas just like I knew they would!
I take a lot of pride in what I do because as naturals we need to support each other by sharing the love and knowledge.
If you guys ever have any questions or need help with your natural hair journey, just let me know. Im more than eager to get more practice so feel free to ask me to schedule appointments!